Traffic Signal Control Trainer CPE-AT3030
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Traffic Signal Control Trainer
* Designed for the user to study and practice how
to control
general traffic signal system.
* Traffic Signal Display Panel is composed of various
that are able to be connected with the I/O
terminals of PLC.
* Designed, like a real traffic system with signal and
cross board
lamps that are made of LED, for a good
< Traffic Signal Display Panel(CPE-AT3030) >
ㆍSignal System
a. Traffic Signal : Green, Left-turn, Stop(Yellow), Red
b. Crosswalk Signal : Green, Red
ㆍRoad Way System : Cross walk
ㆍProcessing mode
a. Both direction straight and signal system.
b. Both direction straight and (left, straight) simultaneous signal system
c. (left, straight) simultaneous signal system.
d. Night yellow blinking
ㆍOperating Mode : Auto, Manual(Step)
ㆍPLC interface : 8 inputs/ 24 outputs
ㆍInput Power : AC 110V/ 220V/50/60Hz
ㆍDimension : 700(W) X 100(H) X 450(T)mm