Electrical Sequence Control Trainer CPS-3100
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Electrical Sequence Control Trainer
* Electric sequence circuit control
* Sequence circuit by PLC control
* Understanding and control practice of magnetic contactor
* Sequence control by proximity sensor
* Sequence circuit connection experiment
* Earth Leakage current Circuit Breaker (ELCB) practice
  • Feature/Function
  • Configuration/Specifications
  • Options/Accessories
Electrical Sequence Control Trainer (CPS-3100) is designed with various electric with actual electric parts.
So, users can systemically train sequence control through this trainer. Especially, CPS-3100 is connectable with PLC trainer and the user can do various applicable experiments with this trainer, using accessories and power supply which are used in the
For the user's safety, the terminals and connector cables are insulated and standard relay symbolswere used in this trainer.